Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Te Wahanga tuatahi. Term One

Te Pouahi Potiki on PhotoPeach

What a fabulous term we have had! Here are a few photos of our class.


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Our older tamariki are helping out our new tamariki with their counting!

Thank you for Whaea Tracy for our shape boards!

We have so much fun with our new shape boards. It has brought about a new interest in our foam shapes.

h is for hat!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

For some of us in Room 16 the thought of putting our heads under water is a little scarey! Our underwater camera is so much fun - it also allows us to forget our fears and challenge ourselves. I am especially proud of Jonothan! Check us out!

Ka rawe Kody!!!

Kody was this week's super star! Kody has worked so hard on his reading and his writing! He is also a great help to his class mates! Tino pai Kody! Kody gets to wear our korowai for the week.

This week we learnt about the letters C and K.

Room 16 have been absolute stars! They are working very hard to learn all their jolly phonics. I was so pleased that we had cake and cookies - and in our fine motor skills time we made cat hats to reinforce the sounds that C and K make. Next week we are learning about the letters H and R. Tino pai tamariki ma!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reece underwater!

Thanks Whaea Trina for our new resources!

We love our new reading games and maths games!

Glamourous glasses!

Jonothan and Marcus are superstars - they know all of their jolly phonics. They have been working on two blends per week. This week they were working on gl... they had a word find and a very difficult crossword. I thought that they needed some fun - so they got to make some "glamourous glasses". Don't they look cool!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pharaoh Wayne's pepeha

P is for POPCORN!

On Friday we made popcorn - our jolly phonic this week was P!

Tino Reka!