Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mahi pangarau

In pangarau our group have been imaging. Today Lucy had a go at counting on! She did so well! Anahera has been counting on for a while- so today we decided to try some bigger numbers. Tino pai korua!

Tuhituhi pu

Tahlia has been working so hard in tuhituhi pu. Here are photos to show her amazing progress. Tino pai e kotiro!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Taiaha with Matua Pryor

This term we have started taiaha practice as part of hakinakina. This is wonderful practice for our coordination and sense of direction. Matua Pryor volunteers his time, we are so lucky!

Mahi Pangarau

Nau Mai, Haere Mai Louis!

Welcome to our new friend Louis! Last Thursday we had a powhiri for Louis and his whanau. Louis' Dad played the guitar and we shared some lovely kai. Louis loves the big adventure and spiderman. Louis is so clever, he can already write his name and identify numbers up to 5! Tino pai e tama!