Thursday, January 31, 2013

Straight back into it!

Over the next two weeks, we will working on rules and routines in our akomanga.
Swimming starts next week and so does reading.

Our new friends

Ko Wiremu tenei

Ko Sianece tenei

Ko Devin tenei

Ko Izahn tenei
Ko Rehara tenei  

Nau mai, haere mai koutou! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A brand new year!

Welcome back to kura whanau!  I hope you had a fantastic holiday.  My whanau and I had a lovely trip away. We spent plenty of time with friends and whanau in Tai tokerau.  We went all the way to Cape Reinga and surfed the dunes of Te Paki!   I am all recharged and ready to tackle 2013.  We have a new class and it feels wonderful to have Te Pouahi back together with a whare.  I look forward to seeing you all soon.  Mauri ora.  Whaea Carly